
Lifespan changes: From wild type to akt-1;rict-1

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Genetic mutants with akt-1, rict-1 alterations

    Names of genes are ordered alphabetically. For the order of interventions, please see the specific paper.
  • Temperature °C


  • Lifespan (days)


  • Lifespan change (compared to wild type)


  • Phenotype

    The short-life-span phenotype of rict-1 mutants requires daf-2 and akt-1 signaling as rict-1;akt-1 double mutants shift to being long-lived, rather than short-lived, and rict-1;daf-2 double mutants show a life span nearly identical to daf-2 mutants

  • Lifespan comparisons

    Double mutant akt-1(mg306);rict-1(mg450) has a lifespan of 21.62 days, while single mutant rict-1(mg450) has a lifespan of 10.3 days, single mutant akt-1(mg306) has a lifespan of 18.62 days and wild type has a lifespan of 13.37 days.

  • Type of interaction
    See methods

    Enhancer, opposite lifespan effects

  • Citation
    View abstract

    Soukas AA et al., 2009, Rictor/TORC2 regulates fat metabolism, feeding, growth, and life span in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genes Dev. 23(4):496-511 PubMed 19240135 Click here to select all mutants from this PubMed ID in the graph

    Names of genes are ordered alphabetically. For the order of interventions, please see the specific paper.
  • Temperature °C


  • Lifespan (days)


  • Lifespan change (compared to wild type)


  • Phenotype

    The short-life-span phenotype of rict-1 mutants requires daf-2 and akt-1 signaling as rict-1;akt-1 double mutants shift to being long-lived, rather than short-lived, and rict-1;daf-2 double mutants show a life span nearly identical to daf-2 mutants

  • Lifespan comparisons

    Double mutant akt-1(mg306);rict-1(mg451) has a lifespan of 22.7 days, while single mutant rict-1(mg451) has a lifespan of 11.24 days, single mutant akt-1(mg306) has a lifespan of 18.62 days and wild type has a lifespan of 13.37 days.

  • Type of interaction
    See methods

    Enhancer, opposite lifespan effects

  • Citation
    View abstract

    Soukas AA et al., 2009, Rictor/TORC2 regulates fat metabolism, feeding, growth, and life span in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genes Dev. 23(4):496-511 PubMed 19240135 Click here to select all mutants from this PubMed ID in the graph

Search genes: akt-1 rict-1
  • Entrez ID
  • Symbol
  • GenAge
  • Wormbase ID

Serine/threonine-protein kinase akt-1

Locus: CELE_C12D8.10

Wormbase description: akt-1 encodes an ortholog of the serine/threonine kinase Akt/PKB; akt-1 genetically interacts with the insulin signaling pathway and functions to regulate such processes as dauer larval development and salt chemotaxis learning; AKT-1 binds calmodulin in vitro in a calcium-dependent manner; an AKT-1::GFP fusion protein is widely expressed beginning in late stage embryos and continuing through adulthood; expression is seen in head, tail, and dorsal and ventral cord neurons, with additional expression seen in other cells including those of the pharynx, hypodermis, intestine, and spermatheca; two alleles of akt-1 (sa573 and sa700) have a Daf-c mutant phenotype at 27 degrees C (Hid phenotype).

  • Entrez ID
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  • GenAge
  • Wormbase ID

hypothetical protein

Locus: CELE_F29C12.3

Wormbase description: rict-1 enocdes the C. elegans ortholog of mammalian Rictor, a component of the target of rapamycin complex 2 (TORC2); in C. elegans, rict-1 activity is required for regulation of fat metabolism, feeding, growth, and life span; rict-1 has been reported to interact genetically with akt-1, akt-2, and sgk-1; a rict-1::RFP promoter fusion indicates that rict-1 is expressed in head neurons, the ventral nerve cord, the intestine, body wall muscle, pharynx, and spermatheca.

Orthologs of akt-1;rict-1 in SynergyAge
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Orthologs of akt-1 in SynergyAge
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Orthologs of rict-1 in SynergyAge
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SynergyAge database hosts high-quality, manually curated information about the synergistic and antagonistic lifespan effects of genetic interventions in model organisms, also allowing users to explore the longevity relationships between genes in a visual way.

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How to cite us

If you would like to cite this database please use:

Bunu, G., Toren, D., Ion, C. et al. SynergyAge, a curated database for synergistic and antagonistic interactions of longevity-associated genes. Sci Data 7, 366 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00710-z

Robi Tacutu, Ph.D.
Head: Systems Biology of Aging Group, Bioinformatics & Structural Biochemistry Department
Institute of Biochemistry, Ground floor
Splaiul Independentei 296, Bucharest, Romania

Group webpage: www.aging-research.group