
Lifespan changes: From wild type to akt-1;akt-2;sgk-1

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Genetic mutants with akt-1, akt-2, sgk-1 alterations

    Names of genes are ordered alphabetically. For the order of interventions, please see the specific paper.
  • Temperature °C


  • Lifespan (days)


  • Lifespan change (compared to wild type)


  • Lifespan comparisons

    Triple mutant akt-1(RNAi);akt-2(ok393);sgk-1(RNAi) has a lifespan of 22.7 days, while single mutant sgk-1(RNAi) has a lifespan of 24.0 days, double mutant akt-1(RNAi);akt-2(ok393) has a lifespan of 17.5 days and wild type has a lifespan of 14.7 days.

  • Type of interaction
    See methods

    Contains dependence

  • Citation
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    Hertweck M et al., 2004, C. elegans SGK-1 is the critical component in the Akt/PKB kinase complex to control stress response and life span. Dev Cell. 6(4):577-88 PubMed 15068796 Click here to select all mutants from this PubMed ID in the graph

Search genes: akt-1 akt-2 sgk-1 akt-1;akt-2;sgk-1
  • Entrez ID
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  • Wormbase ID

Serine/threonine-protein kinase akt-1

Locus: CELE_C12D8.10

Wormbase description: akt-1 encodes an ortholog of the serine/threonine kinase Akt/PKB; akt-1 genetically interacts with the insulin signaling pathway and functions to regulate such processes as dauer larval development and salt chemotaxis learning; AKT-1 binds calmodulin in vitro in a calcium-dependent manner; an AKT-1::GFP fusion protein is widely expressed beginning in late stage embryos and continuing through adulthood; expression is seen in head, tail, and dorsal and ventral cord neurons, with additional expression seen in other cells including those of the pharynx, hypodermis, intestine, and spermatheca; two alleles of akt-1 (sa573 and sa700) have a Daf-c mutant phenotype at 27 degrees C (Hid phenotype).

  • Entrez ID
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Serine/threonine-protein kinase akt-2

Locus: CELE_F28H6.1

Wormbase description: akt-2 encodes a homolog of the serine/threonine kinase Akt/PKB, AKT-2, that is required for progression through the dauer stage of development and for the negative regulation of adult lifespan; inactivation of akt-2 causes animals to arrest constitutively at the dauer stage, while having an increased life span; widely expressed, AKT-2 is activated by the phospholipid products of phosphoinositide 3-kinase AGE-1/PI3K and by PDK-1, a homolog of vertebrate 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 (PDK-1) Normal akt-2 (and akt-1) activity is required for excess pdk-1 activity to suppress the dauer-arrest phenotype of age-1, indicating that the 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 homolog PDK-1 transduces signals from AGE-1 to AKT-2 (and AKT-1); conversely, the akt-2 loss-of-function phenotype is suppressed by daf-16 null mutations, indicating that the Fork head transcription factor DAF-16 is downstream of AKT-2 (and AKT-1), and that AKT-1 and AKT-2 act primarily to antagonize DAF-16.

  • Entrez ID
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  • Wormbase ID

Serine/threonine-protein kinase sgk-1

Locus: CELE_W10G6.2

Wormbase description: sgk-1 encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase that is orthologous to the mammalian serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinases (SGKs); in C. elegans, sgk-1 activity is required for normal egg laying, generation time, stress response, and adult life span; SGK-1 forms a complex with the AKT kinases with which it functions in parallel to mediate certain aspects of DAF-2/insulin-signaling; SGK-1 phosphorylates DAF-16 in vitro in a manner strictly dependent upon pdk-1 which encodes a 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase; an SGK-1::GFP fusion protein is expressed beginning in late embryonic stages and in larvae is seen in sensory and motor neurons as well as in the intestine; in neurons SGK-1::GFP localizes to the cytoplasm and the nucleus, while in the intestine SGK-1::GFP is found exclusively in the cytoplasm.

Orthologs of akt-1;akt-2;sgk-1 in SynergyAge
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Orthologs of akt-1 in SynergyAge
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Orthologs of akt-2 in SynergyAge
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Orthologs of sgk-1 in SynergyAge
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SynergyAge database hosts high-quality, manually curated information about the synergistic and antagonistic lifespan effects of genetic interventions in model organisms, also allowing users to explore the longevity relationships between genes in a visual way.

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How to cite us

If you would like to cite this database please use:

Bunu, G., Toren, D., Ion, C. et al. SynergyAge, a curated database for synergistic and antagonistic interactions of longevity-associated genes. Sci Data 7, 366 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00710-z

Robi Tacutu, Ph.D.
Head: Systems Biology of Aging Group, Bioinformatics & Structural Biochemistry Department
Institute of Biochemistry, Ground floor
Splaiul Independentei 296, Bucharest, Romania

Group webpage: www.aging-research.group