Lifespan changes: From wild type to rsks-1;rsks-1
The lifespans of S6K/rsks-1(sv31) and eIF4E/ife-2(ok306) mutants subjected to TOR RNAi were longer than the lifespans of either the S6K or eIF4E mutant alone
Double mutant rsks-1(RNAi);rsks-1(sv31) has a lifespan of 20.6 days, while single mutant rsks-1(sv31) has a lifespan of 20.2 days.
Hansen M et al., 2007, Lifespan extension by conditions that inhibit translation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Aging Cell. 6(1):95-110 17266679
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The lifespans of S6K/rsks-1(sv31) and eIF4E/ife-2(ok306) mutants subjected to TOR RNAi were longer than the lifespans of either the S6K or eIF4E mutant alone
Double mutant rsks-1(RNAi);rsks-1(sv31) has a lifespan of 21.3 days, while single mutant rsks-1(sv31) has a lifespan of 21.8 days.
Hansen M et al., 2007, Lifespan extension by conditions that inhibit translation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Aging Cell. 6(1):95-110 17266679
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Ribosomal protein S6 kinase beta
Locus: CELE_Y47D3A.16
Wormbase description: rsks-1 encodes a putative ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K) required additively with IFG-1 for normally high levels of protein synthesis, and for normally short lifespan; RSKS-1's effect on lifespan is independent of DAF-16, ISP-1, and SIR-2.1, and does not correlate with juglone resistance, but does correlate with abnormally high resistance to starvation and (perhaps) thermotolerance; RSKS-1 is required for normal juglone resistance, as well as normally rapid growth and normal brood sizes; RSKS-1 is expressed in E-lineage embryonic cells, and in pharyngeal and hypodermal cells of larvae and adults; RSKS-1 is orthologous to human RPS6KB1 (OMIM:608938) and RPS6KB2 (OMIM:608939).
Ribosomal protein S6 kinase beta
Locus: CELE_Y47D3A.16
Wormbase description: rsks-1 encodes a putative ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K) required additively with IFG-1 for normally high levels of protein synthesis, and for normally short lifespan; RSKS-1's effect on lifespan is independent of DAF-16, ISP-1, and SIR-2.1, and does not correlate with juglone resistance, but does correlate with abnormally high resistance to starvation and (perhaps) thermotolerance; RSKS-1 is required for normal juglone resistance, as well as normally rapid growth and normal brood sizes; RSKS-1 is expressed in E-lineage embryonic cells, and in pharyngeal and hypodermal cells of larvae and adults; RSKS-1 is orthologous to human RPS6KB1 (OMIM:608938) and RPS6KB2 (OMIM:608939).
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SynergyAge database hosts high-quality, manually curated information about the synergistic and antagonistic lifespan effects of genetic interventions in model organisms, also allowing users to explore the longevity relationships between genes in a visual way.
If you would like to cite this database please use:
Bunu, G., Toren, D., Ion, C. et al. SynergyAge, a curated database for synergistic and antagonistic interactions of longevity-associated genes. Sci Data 7, 366 (2020).
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