Lifespan changes: From wild type to ins-18;ins-7 / From ins-18;ins-7 to multiple mutants
We measured the adult lifespan of ins-18(tm339) animals under an ins-7(tm1907) background, which provides a lifespan-extending condition. ins-7 is one of the insulin-like genes and its RNAi knockdown has been reported to induce an extended adult lifespan. As expected, the mean lifespan of ins-7(tm1907) animals was extended by 4.8 days. In contrast, the mean lifespan of ins-18;ins-7 double mutant animals was 2.7 days shorter than that for ins-7 animals.
Double mutant ins-18(tm339);ins-7(tm1907) has a lifespan of 13.54 days, while single mutant ins-18(tm339) has a lifespan of 11.77 days, single mutant ins-7(tm1907) has a lifespan of 16.66 days and wild type has a lifespan of 11.77 days.
Matsunaga Y et al., 2012, Physiological function, expression pattern, and transcriptional regulation of a Caenorhabditis elegans insulin-like peptide, INS-18. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 423(3):478-83 22683638 Click here to select all mutants from this PubMed ID in the graph
INSulin related
Locus: CELE_T28B8.2
Wormbase description: ins-18 encodes one of 40 C. elegans insulin/IGF-like peptides; INS-18, along with INS-1, are the only two C. elegans insulins that contain a C peptide, characteristic of mammalian insulins, connecting the B and A chains; overexpression of ins-18 induces dauer arrest at 26 degrees C and enhances the dauer arrest seen in a daf-2 mutant at 20 degrees C, suggesting that INS-18 functions to antagonize DAF-2 receptor signaling; in addition, daf-7; ins-18 doubly mutant animals show dauer maintenance defects, suggesting that INS-18 activity is required to properly maintain the dauer developmental state; ins-18::gfp reporters are expressed in neurons and the intestine.
INSulin related;Probable insulin-like peptide beta-type 4
Locus: CELE_ZK1251.2
Wormbase description: ins-7 encodes an insulin/IGF-1-like peptide; INS-7 is one of 40 insulin-like peptides in C. elegans; INS-7 likely functions as an agonist for the DAF-2 insulin/IGF-1 receptor, as loss of ins-7 activity via RNAi results in: 1) a significantly increased lifespan that is not further extended in long-lived daf-2 mutant animals, and 2) an increased frequency of dauer formation in animals containing an incompletely penetrant daf-2 mutation; an ins-7 promoter fusion is expressed in amphid sensory neurons, labial neurons, the nerve ring, and ventral cord and tail neurons; ins-7 expression is positively regulated by DAF-2-mediated insulin signaling, suggesting that a positive feedback loop involving INS-7 may amplify DAF-2 pathway activity.
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SynergyAge database hosts high-quality, manually curated information about the synergistic and antagonistic lifespan effects of genetic interventions in model organisms, also allowing users to explore the longevity relationships between genes in a visual way.
If you would like to cite this database please use:
Bunu, G., Toren, D., Ion, C. et al. SynergyAge, a curated database for synergistic and antagonistic interactions of longevity-associated genes. Sci Data 7, 366 (2020).
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