Lifespan changes: From wild type to him-5;ins-1
Double mutant him-5(e1490);ins-1(2091) has a lifespan of 10.6 days, while single mutant him-5(e1490) has a lifespan of 9.8 days.
Pierce SB et al., 2001, Regulation of DAF-2 receptor signaling by human insulin and ins-1, a member of the unusually large and diverse C. elegans insulin gene family. Genes Dev. 15(6):672-86 11274053 Click here to select all mutants from this PubMed ID in the graph
High Incidence of Males (increased X chromosome loss)
Locus: CELE_D1086.4
Wormbase description: him-5 was identified in screens for genes that when mutated resulted in an increased frequency of X chromosome nondisjunction and thus, an increased frequency of genotypically XO males in self-fertile populations; him-5 functions in X chromosome dynamics by regulating the number and distribution of X chromosome pairing events.
INSulin related
Locus: CELE_F13B12.5
Wormbase description: ins-1 encodes an insulin-like peptide orthologous to human insulin (INS; OMIM:176730, mutated in hyperproinsulinemia and diabetes mellitus type II); INS-1 is one of 38 insulin-like peptides in C. elegans and when overexpressed can antagonize insulin-like signaling mediated by DAF-2/IR leading to arrest at the dauer larval stage; loss of INS-1, however, does not result in a dauer phenotype suggesting that INS-1 functions redundantly with other insulin-like peptides to regulate reproductive growth and lifespan; a mutation in ins-1 does, however, show severe defects in salt chemotaxis learning; INS-1 is expressed in the amphid sensory neurons ASI and ASJ that regulate dauer arrest, the nerve ring, the intestine, vulval muscles, and other neurons.
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SynergyAge database hosts high-quality, manually curated information about the synergistic and antagonistic lifespan effects of genetic interventions in model organisms, also allowing users to explore the longevity relationships between genes in a visual way.
If you would like to cite this database please use:
Bunu, G., Toren, D., Ion, C. et al. SynergyAge, a curated database for synergistic and antagonistic interactions of longevity-associated genes. Sci Data 7, 366 (2020).
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