Lifespan changes: From sod-1;sod-2;sod-3;sod-4;sod-5 to multiple mutants
Quintuple mutant sod-1(tm783);sod-2(ok1030);sod-3(tm760);sod-4(gk101);sod-5(tm1146) has a lifespan of 13.63 days, while wild type has a lifespan of 11.81 days.
Dues DJ et al., 2019, Resistance to Stress Can Be Experimentally Dissociated From Longevity. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 74(8):1206-1214 30247515
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Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn]
Locus: CELE_C15F1.7
Wormbase description: sod-1 encodes the copper/zinc superoxide dismustase, an enzyme that is known to protect cells from oxidative damage; superoxide dismutase activity can be detected in worm extracts; sod-1 activity has been implicated in the increased life-span of dauer larvae where this enzyme demonstrates the highest activity compared to other life-stages as well as in the increased life span of age-1 mutants and their resistance to oxidative damage; sod-1 modulates the effect of let-60 ras on vulval and germline development via cytoplasmic reactive oxygen species; unlike other eukaryotic superoxide dismutases, sod-1 does not require the copper chaperone CCS for its activity and instead uses a glutathione pathway for acquiring copper; in humans, mutation of SOD1 (OMIM:147450) leads to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (OMIM:105400).
Superoxide dismutase [Mn] 1, mitochondrial
Locus: CELE_F10D11.1
Wormbase description: sod-2 encodes a iron/manganese superoxide dismutase, predicted to be mitochondrial, that might defend against oxidative stress and promote normal lifespan; sod-2 mRNA levels are diminished by mutation of daf-16, and heterologously expressed SOD-2 in E. coli protects against methyl viologen-induced oxidative stress.
Superoxide dismutase [Mn] 2, mitochondrial
Locus: CELE_C08A9.1
Wormbase description: sod-3 encodes a iron/manganese superoxide dismutase, predicted to be mitochondrial, that might defend against oxidative stress and promote normal lifespan; sod-3 mRNA levels are diminished by mutation of daf-16 and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) studies demonstrate that DAF-16 can directly bind the sod-3 promoter; heterologously expressed SOD-3 in E. coli protects against methyl viologen-induced oxidative stress.
Extracellular superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn];Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn]
Locus: CELE_F55H2.1
Wormbase description: sod-4 encodes an extracellular Cu2+/Zn2+ superoxide dismutase (SOD) that is one of five C. elegans SOD enzymes; genetic analyses indicates that sod-4 is required for redox regulation of a number of processes including axon pathfinding in the PVQ interneurons, insulin/IGF-1 signaling, and vulval development; large-scale expression studies indicate that sod-4 is expressed in the nervous system, intestine, and rectal gland cells; sod-4 transcripts are significantly upregulated in dauers.
Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn]
Locus: CELE_ZK430.3
Wormbase description: sod-5 encodes one of five superoxide (SOD) isozymes in C. elegans; along with SOD-1, SOD-5 is predicted to be one of two cytoplasmic Cu/Zn SODs in C. elegans; sod-5 expression is increased in sod-1 mutant animals and likewise, sod-1 expression is increased in sod-5 mutants, suggesting a possible mechanism of functional compensation between these two genes; the sod-5 promoter contains one copy of a DAF-16 binding element, consistent with observations that sod-5 mRNA levels increase in insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway mutants.
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Drosophila melanogaster | Sod2 |
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Drosophila melanogaster | Sod2 |
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SynergyAge database hosts high-quality, manually curated information about the synergistic and antagonistic lifespan effects of genetic interventions in model organisms, also allowing users to explore the longevity relationships between genes in a visual way.
If you would like to cite this database please use:
Bunu, G., Toren, D., Ion, C. et al. SynergyAge, a curated database for synergistic and antagonistic interactions of longevity-associated genes. Sci Data 7, 366 (2020).
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